Fluvial Dynamics Research Group (RIUS)
Download PdfRIUS (www.fluvialdynamics.com) analyzes geomorphological dynamics and biophysical interactions in river beds. The research is based on field experimental work and the modeling of river processes, especially on the transport of sediments and morphodynamics, from data obtained in hydrometric and sedimentary measurement stations. Also, topography techniques and remote sensing characterization and tracking of forms at multiple spatial scales are used. RIUS also investigates in Eco-Geomorphology, studying the effects of physical processes on the fluvial habitat, basically macro-invertebrates and fish. The study of the effects of regulation on the hydrological and sedimentary regime of the basins is one of the main lines of the group, where the design and implementation of restoration measures are highlighted in the lower part of the river Ebro. Finally, the group analyzes the effects of global change on hydrological response and water resources in areas of Mediterranean climate. This is a consolidated research group of the Generalitat of Catalunya (2014-SGR-645) where its research program is based on four main and interrelated axes: Research, Training, International Networks and Knowledge Transfer.
For more information visit www.fluvialdynamics.com/